Questions regarding online ordering? Please call 724-834-2811.
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Billing & Shipping

The default shipping address is set on the Settings page.
Billing Address
{{ }}
{{ customerInfo.address1 }}
{{ customerInfo.address2 }}
{{ customerInfo.address3 }}
{{ customerInfo.address4 }}

P: {{ }}

F: {{ customerInfo.fax }}
Shipping Address
{{ }}
{{ customerInfo.address1 }}
{{ customerInfo.address2 }}
{{ customerInfo.address3 }}
{{ customerInfo.address4 }}

P: {{ }}

F: {{ customerInfo.fax }}
Shipping Address

{{ }}

Orders that ship to the state of New York will be processed through Scott Electric Supply (A Scott Electric affiliated company).

Shipping Address


Your order is {{ defaultSt.min - subtotal | currency }} away from qualifying for free delivery. Continue Shopping?

Payment Method

Some of the requested quantities on this order exceed what is available in your local branch and therefore you cannot place this order online using a credit card. Please call 724-834-2811 for additional assistance.
{{ item.description }}
{{ item.price | currency }} /{{ }} Quantity: {{ item.quantity }} + {{ item.cutcharge | currency }} cut charge

{{ subtotal | currency }} Subtotal:
{{ shipping | currency }} Shipping:
{{ decimalAdjust('ceil',calc3((subtotal * tax.totalRate)), -2) | currency }} Sales tax ({{ (tax.totalRate * 100).toFixed(2) }}%):
({{ discountAmt/100 | currency }}) Available Discount ({{ terms }}):
{{ (roundRight(subtotal) - discountAmt/100) + decimalAdjust('ceil',calc3((subtotal * tax.totalRate)), -2) | currency }} {{ (roundRight(subtotal) - discountAmt/100) | currency }} TOTAL:
Please Note: This order will be processed through Scott Electric Supply (A Scott Electric Affiliated Company).
Thank you. Your order has been placed. Your order confirmation# is {{ order.orderNo }}
Item# Qty ordered Qty shipped Qty backordered Price
{{ x.itemNo }} ({{ x.desc }}) {{ x.quantityOrdered }} {{ x.quantityShipped }} {{ x.quantityBackordered }} {{ (x.pricePerItem*x.per) | currency }}{{ getUnitOfMeasure(x.per) }} + Cut Charge: {{ x.cutcharge | currency }}
{{ order.subtotal | currency }} Subtotal:
({{ discountAmt/100 | currency }}) Available Discount ({{ terms }}):
{{ order.shipping | currency }} Shipping:
{{ decimalAdjust('ceil', calc3((order.subtotal *, -2) | currency }} Sales tax ({{ ( * 100).toFixed(2) }}%):

{{ (roundRight(order.subtotal) - discountAmt/100) + decimalAdjust('ceil', calc3((order.subtotal *, -2) | currency }} TOTAL:
{{ (roundRight(order.subtotal) - discountAmt/100) | currency }} TOTAL:

Credit Card Information

Name on card: {{ order.cardholderName }}
Card Type: {{ order.cardType }}, Number: **** **** **** {{ order.cardLast4 }}

Purchase Order: {{ order.customerPo }}

Billing Information

{{ order.billingFirstName }} {{ order.billingLastName }}
{{ order.billingCompany }}
{{ order.billingCompany }}
{{ order.billingAddress1 }}
{{ order.billingAddress2 }}
{{ order.billingCity }}, {{ order.billingState }} {{ order.billingZip }}
Phone: {{ order.billingPhone }}
Fax: {{ order.billingFax }}
{{ }}
{{ customerInfo.address1 }}
{{ customerInfo.address2 }}
{{ customerInfo.address3 }}
{{ customerInfo.address4 }}

P: {{ }}

F: {{ customerInfo.fax }}

Shipping Information

{{ order.shippingFirstName }} {{ order.shippingLastName }}
{{ order.shippingCompany }}
{{ order.shippingCompany }}
{{ order.shippingAddress1 }}
{{ order.shippingAddress2 }}
{{ order.shippingCity }}, {{ order.shippingState }} {{ order.shippingZip }}
Phone: {{ order.shippingPhone }}
Fax: {{ order.shippingFax }}
{{ }}
{{ customerInfo.address1 }}
{{ customerInfo.address2 }}
{{ customerInfo.address3 }}
{{ customerInfo.address4 }}

P: {{ }}

F: {{ customerInfo.fax }}

{{ }}

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